Yoga or Fitness: The After 40 Dilemma
Yoga or Fitness: The After 40 Dilemma
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People tend to think that after you turn 40 you’ve reached the point in life when it simply makes no sense to start anything new, especially if it’s related to physical activities. The truth is that this age should be a great time in one’s life to try out something new, and to stay active.. It will contribute to your overall health, and you’ll have just what every man wants: a body of a 30 year old with a mind of a 40 year old. All it takes now is to decide which form of exercising suits you the best, based on your physical preparedness and your preferences. Let us help you with that.
How to Choose?
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There is a popular misconception that fitness and yoga can be rather unsafe for people over 40. Though that is somewhat true; if done right, both forms of physical activity can improve your heart’s strength, bone structure, mind sharpness, and your health in general (without jeopardizing you in any way). The best advice would be to talk to your doctor about any possible conditions that could affect your chosen routine. Your decision will be based on what you think is best for you..
If you prefer exercising solo, hit the gym for some moderate cardio and strength exercises, or workout in your home with YouTube tutorials. To make exercising more fun, you can start pilates; which will strengthen your muscles and improve balance. Yoga will increase flexibility, develop your muscles, and at the same time relax you by relieving stress.
The Benefits of Yoga
The greatest benefit of yoga is that it improves both physical and mental health of a person. It is a whole process which is not judgmental or stressful in any way. A man in his 40s could be dealing with a lot of nerve-wracking things at home and at work, which can result in fatigue, trouble sleeping, and anxiety. Yoga is a great stress reliever, because it isn’t forcing you on anything. Your success is just doing it the best you can. If you are not a person that gets motivated by someone shouting at you and demanding deadlines, then the tranquility of yoga is the right type of discipline for you. Now, you’ll probably see a lot of 20 year olds placing their legs behind their necks without a problem, but remember the success is in providing your maximum effort.
The Benefits of Fitness
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Exercising is a true fountain of youth, and you should practice it no matter your age. People who exercise regularly tend to live longer and healthier lives. Aerobics activities, such as biking, jogging, swimming, and walking can protect your heart by reducing the bad cholesterol, lowering the blood pressure, and improving your blood flow. Bursts of higher intensity exercises can increase blood flow and bring more oxygen to your brain. Weight lifting is a good way to strengthen your bones and muscles. It will help you look younger, and prevent any future problems.
Starting Yoga/Fitness in Your 40s – What to know?
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To make sure you get the most out of your body, you have to balance your organism completely. The best roads to that balance are correct nutrition and sleep. For the best results after a workout, you will need to refill your body with energy. Developing a post workout nutrition guide with an expert can be very helpful. You should eat within 30 minutes after any training.
Try to sleep at least 8 hours per day, so you can be more energized for physical activities. If that means going to bed earlier, and skipping your favorite TV Show, so be it. You don’t have to exercise every day, three or four days a week would be enough.
If you, at some point, realize you can up the game, do it. Never skip light stretching before the training, so you wouldn’t get hurt. Get enough rest between workouts as well. Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually and if you feel soreness for more than three days, scale it down a bit. You shouldn’t do cardio activity more than three times a week.
It’s not a question of whether or not you should be active in your 40s, but which type of activity you prefer to do. We wish you good luck, great motivation, and a healthy and long life.
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