The Ultimate Gay Destinations in Turkey
by Alice Jerusha
Turkey is one of the many states in the world hesitant in arraigning or defending the gay community. It is an idiosyncratic state that holds a very exclusive culture which is mainly influenced by its position spanning in both the Asian and the European continent. Turkey develops more distinct characteristics from other Islamic statuses due to its liberalization and modernization. The Turkish community is also known for its warm welcomes extended to their visitor despite their distinct personalities, an aspect that makes it the most ideal spot for the gay community and for gay destinations to see.
For a memorable and fun filled gay vacation in Turkey, here is a list of some perfect travel destinations.
· Istanbul still stands out to be the most preferred gay destination. It holds much of the countries historical and cultural features ranging from museums, legendary artifacts, as well the Ottoman Empire heritage.
· A visit to Istanbul gives you a chance to view the legendary spots of Turkey such as the Grand Bazaar, Blue Mosque, Princess Island, Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi palace which hold the most significant Muslim relic: Muhammad cloak and sword’
· The city also has a variety of clubs, restaurant, hotels, shopping spots that give visitors a chance to enjoy the timeless moment in the city.
· Bodrum is one of the top gay spots in Turkey. The coastal town is famous for its art and entertainment facilities which have arisen due to its functionality as an important trade centre in Turkey.
· The city also prides in its sense of freedom and love atmosphere spanning over the horizon. Sometimes it is so peaceful and calm while sometimes it can be an irrational world. Cool climate and other times a sunny spell is cast on this amazing horizon.
· It also hosts a number of major attractions such as The Castle of ST Peter and Bodrum Museum along with a number of beaches and restaurants that offer quality services to the visitors.
· Izmir is a large cosmopolitan city in western end of Anatolia and also the third largest city in Turkey. This makes it one of the busiest cities in the area thus providing a proper atmosphere for the gay community.
· The gorgeous sandy beaches and resort facilities along the coastal town gives a more memorable experience to the sunbathers and the snorkelers as well as proper accommodation facilities in the countless restaurants.
· The Konak square stands out to be the soul spot of the city holding a clock tower as its central character. The Kordon and the custom house offer a good shopping spot for the tourists.
· The coastal resort is located on the Aegean coast a few kilometres from Izmir city hosting a range of fun features such as beaches, sanatoriums, and scattered ottoman cascades across the region.
· The city offers the best ground for water lovers and the surf enthusiasts. These range from squall surfs and the kite surfs as well as swimmers and divers.
· It also hosts a number of hotels and restaurants that offer quality and affordable accommodation facilities to their visitors.
A gay travel guide would be an ideal choice during you trip. Visit the free word of Turkey .Get your Turkish visa online by visiting our website, fill the required details and download your visa within 24 hours.
Author’s BIO: Alice Jerusha is a freelance writer who writes articles on different topics. As of now she is focusing on Turkish visa which will enables to Visa Assistance service.