What Does a GLA40 Tribe mean?
The short answer:
A tribe is a group of people connected to an idea, and connected to each other.
Connected to an idea
When people join or subscribe to our tribe, what are you becoming a part of? What is the bigger “idea” behind it?
People join a tribe because they want to be connected to something bigger than themselves .
Why are you connecting with this tribe instead of one of the other millions of authors out there? We all share a commonality. We are all 40 and beyond and we are gay. We all have very similar stories but may have different experiences and different opinions.
Connected to each other
It is important to connect to each other in the tribe. This will allow us to engage each other by asking a question and we will give honest feedback based on what we have experienced in life.
I want to increase enthusiasm about the tribe, and supporting others in the GLA40 tribe itself.
If you ever have a question or a problem leave me a note at will@gaylifeafter40.com or present it to the closed group on Facebook.
Also, on the Gay Life After 40 site, there is a tab called Lets Talk and you can leave your question with us at GLA40.
Finally, we do hold group and private life coaching at GLA40 for a small fee to help you overcome obstacles that may interfere with your ability to have a fulfilled life.
To get serious results, one may need to make an investment in themselves for an ultimate transformation.
Many of us at our age are driven by a deep knowing that we were born for a certain reason. Maybe, you feel that your life is not totally fulfilled yet , and you have decided that you don’t want to waste your time anymore. If not now, when will you actually lead a more fulfilling life or get help with a problem that you may have carried with you for over 20 years?. But your heart and soul must be invested in the process in order to be effective. If you’re not ready to take bold action, please wait until you are before hiring us..
If you’re ready to age forward and begin your own transformation and your heart and soul are saying, “Let’s Do this!” , I hope you’ll take the leap with us and contact us at will@gaylifeafter40.com.