Stalker Craig By Jameson Farn
Name: Jameson Farn
Birth Place: Canada
Occupation: Luxury Real Estate in France and writer
Tell me about how you became a writer?
I’ve always written articles for various online magazines and started a blog 11 years ago for those in the LGBTQ community who live in or are traveling to the French Riviera in France.
What are the most popular subjects that you like to write about?
I’m interested mainly in human sociology. The different types of lifestyle choices people have made for themselves.
What is your most recent book?
Shortly after Bathhouse Babylon was published, my latest book is titled, Stalker Craig – No More Secrets.

Have you ever been stalked? Yes, this book is about a longstanding stalker situation with an individual and the lengths he has gone to try and cause havoc in my life and for those around me. And how the police and lawyers have also dealt with what was taking place daily as it wasn’t taken seriously at first given it was based on a gay platonic relationship – until they started to get the brunt of it as well.
I wrote the book to possibly help others going through harassment issues.
Now let us get personal…..
Words that best describe you?
Resourceful, observant, hardworking, and ambitious.
When did you become out to friends and family?
I never officially came out. Thankfully I have been accepted by family and friends throughout my life, who, even if questionable at times, overall were fine with me be my true self.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
My grandmother’s nephew lost his mother at a young age, his father was never really around. Coming from a poor, difficult background, he knew he had to stay focused and work hard to obtain his life goals.
When he retired, he was second highest in command at Scotland yard and had received medals from the Queen and Pope for his work and security efforts. He has always set the best example for his family and friends.
I would give anything to meet… Living near Monaco, I’ve been fortunate to meet a lot of celebrities and royalty either by being in the right place at the right time or through my work.
I would’ve loved to have met Gore Vidal, Anais Nin, Dominick Dunne and Jackie Collins.
Your idea of a perfect evening is?
A quiet, romantic walk to a beach with someone filled with great conversation and a bottle of wine.
The last book I read was ….
Dominick Dunne’s, The Way We Lived Then: Recollections of a Well-known Name Dropper
My favorite movies/plays are?
Le Grand Bleu movie with the handsome Jean-Marc Barr.
What kinds of singers and bands do you listen to?
Too many to mention. I love all kinds of music, especially dance and anything from the 80s.
Nobody knows that I ……
worry too much about the big and little things.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
I’m looking at it from my windows right now, the Saint Jean Cap Ferrat peninsula here in France. Besides being beautiful, it has an amazing and very intriguing history.
What does having a successful life mean to you?
A simple, content life.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
Well, not necessarily spontaneous but moved from my homeland of Canada in my 40s to live in my happy place here in France where I started a business and a new way of living.
What odd talent do you have?
Besides being double-jointed? 😉
You wouldn’t know it to look at me but I can operate all kinds of farm machinery.
What had been your biggest setback or failure in life and how did you overcome it?
I think many of us have experienced numerous setbacks or failures in life. I feel life is about taking risks (and I take a lot), and if you fail, the important thing is to learn from it so you don’t repeat it. Then continue to move forward with your passions as the rewards can outweigh anything you ever imagined.
If I could meet my younger self, I would tell him…
Build better confidence and take more risks.
What are the biggest challenges you have as a gay man after 40?
Getting a full day off from work and projects.
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe? I read the posts almost daily. I think we need to support each other more as many subjects are just not talked about in the gay community after 40. Like the effects of getting older, friendship and relationship changes ,financials, etc.
Overall, I see a lot of people that think they cannot be whole without having another person in their life. You are born as an individual, make the most of it, and expand your character. The story we’ve all heard that you are not complete without another person in life is a total fairytale and not realistic.
Where can our readers find you or know more about you ?
I promote and cross-promote all over social media. The easiest to look up is: https://www.gayfrenchriviera.com and go from there.
Where can they purchase your books? On Amazon and with other major online retailers.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. Your Facebook page is a valuable resource for the community