Same Sex Parents Are Found to be more Attentive than Hetrosexuals
Same-sex parents spend more time with their children than different-sex parents, according to a new study by the University of Texas.
Based on U.S. Census Bureau data from over 40,000 parents, the study found that families headed by two mothers spent the most amount of time together — in fact, they spent 40 percent more time with their children than parents spend on average.
The study of American families by The Population Research Center at UT also analyzed the type of time parents spent with their children. For example, it didn’t count time children were playing alone while parents happened to be around, time watching television, or other passive activities. Instead, the study focused on time spent studying, playing, bathing, and even attending appointments with doctors.
“Our study suggests that … children with two-parents-of-the-same-sex families received more focused time from their parents,” Prickett says. 3.5 hours a day, compared with 2.5 hours by children with different-sex parents.”