Life Coach Series: The Reality You Didn’t Mean to Create!
The Reality You Didn’t Mean to Create!
By Steven Reeder, CPC, ELI-MP
We often encounter concepts that we believe are simple because they can be expressed in just a few words. So it is with the oft used phrase, “you create your own reality.” We’ve all heard this phrase, and to a large degree, most of us tend to believe it. That is, until our life falls apart.
This phrase is often parroted to us in a time of trial or tribulation, when a well-meaning friend offers it so that we might change our present circumstances. “Aw, c’mon, things will get better. It’s all in your head; you create your own reality.” But is that phrase literally and unequivocally true?
The short answer is ‘yes’… and no. It is true, but not the way that you think. Well, actually, it literally IS the way that you think. Hang on a second…
That you create your own reality is more than just true. It’s a profound Truth, yet its simplicity is the very thing that causes us to believe that it means something it doesn’t.
First, let’s establish the difference between what is true and what is Truth with a capital ‘T’. What is “true” is something that can be verified in any given moment. It’s true that I’m writing this article on a Thursday. However, at this moment, there is somewhere in the world where it is not Thursday, so it is only true relative to where I am. It is true that there are fifty states in the USA, but that wasn’t always true, and may not be true at some point in the future. What’s true now can change or be changed relative to time and space.
What is “Truth” is something timeless and unchanging. All of the circumstances described above are verifiable and true, but there is no Truth to any of those contingencies. When we speak of Truth, we are speaking of that which is transcendent of circumstantial reality. This would include concepts such as: every action has an equal and opposite reaction, like attracts like energy, change is constant, you create your own reality.
Yet, when our life falls apart, we tend to step back and say, “What the hell? I didn’t create this reality!” This is where the simplicity of the Truth confounds us. The Truth really is that simple; however the process of creating said reality in our everyday life is what gets away from us.
Let me share with you a simple formula for how we create our own reality:
t + f + (a/r) ≃ √UR
Translation: thoughts plus feelings, with the ensuing actions/results, are congruent to the root of your reality. Yes, I might have represented “your reality” with YR, but the reality you create is ultimately at the root of who (UR). This formula can be discussed at length, and will be so in future installments. Ultimately, you create your reality with your thoughts, your feelings, and the actions you take (or results you experience) as a by-product of those thoughts and feelings.
“Yeah, but I didn’t cause my tire to go flat, and make me late for work and ruin my day! How did I create that?” It’s true, I’ve no way of knowing or explaining how that nail came to your tire. I can attest that your response to that circumstance is in your hands. You are free to access that your day is ruined, or you can make another assessment.
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As cosmic Truths go, ‘you create your own reality’ is exciting because it appears to be one of the few that we can readily engage. As opposed to the seasons or the tides, we can actively participate in creation!
Here are a few tips to help you manage the creation of your reality:
- You’re not the only one creating reality. While you are busy creating your own reality, everyone else is creating theirs. Often, our realities collide, given that each person’s interpretation of reality is exclusive to the real estate behind their eyes, making the whole of reality quite subjective. Everyone around you has the capacity to co-create reality, including yours to the extent which you allow.
- Yes, you live in a physical world. As such, we are subject to the unyielding laws of the physical world that apply to everyone without exception, including but not limited to: gravity, polarity, change, and god forbid, aging. Since we cannot entirely control the physical world around us nor any of the people in it, that physical world plays in integral part of your reality. Our responsibility is not to remove ourselves from the physical world, but to choose how we interpret and assign the role that anything (or lack thereof) in the physical world plays in our reality.
- Every thought, feeling and experience you’ve ever had created who you are today. Chances are you’ve not kept a Moleskine notepad of your every thought, feeling and experience since birth. That’s OK, very few people have. So it stands to reason that there are a thousand million things from your past that you can’t even recall in the moment that are affecting how you process and interpret your reality. When you’re unaware of these influences, you may be ‘reacting’ to your reality rather than ‘creating’ it. That’s where being conscious of the present moment is key to creating the reality of your choosing.
- Every moment counts! The average person has nearly 50 thoughts per minute. That’s about 3,000 thoughts per hour. Plug that into the equation above and it’s no wonder that creating our reality can feel overwhelming! Some people find meditation or centering to be a helpful reboot to at least slow down our rapid fire thinking. It can be a helpful practice, while keeping in mind that meditating a full hour a day is but 1/24th of a full day’s creation. Be cognizant of what you think and do for the other twenty-three.
Steven Reeder, CPC, ELI-MP
Two things in life strike him to the core: rock and roll, and personal growth and development. Electric guitars move his outer body, while the pursuit of wisdom and discernment moves his inner body. Fluent in the work of Caroline Myss, Neale Donald Walsch and Bruce Schneider’s Energy Leadership, Steven is best known for taking all this information and synthesizing it into practical, tangible material that is immediately applicable to life for instant impact. Steven combines his knowledge of the metaphysical and the practical to create a unique approach to helping you create your best life. Steven is an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner and Certified Professional Coach.
For more information or to schedule a coaching call contact : coach@stevenreeder.com