PornStar Reese Rideout
Name: Reese Rideout
Birth Place: Oregon
Occupation: PornStar, Actor, Entrepreneur
We will be asking a lot of questions about your occupation and then we will ask some more personal questions. So bear with me.

How did you get into porn? Is this something that you always wanted to do?
I got into the industry back when I was doing amateur bodybuilding. Ron Lloyd, a very prominent OG in the business, was scouting at a local bodybuilding show. I guess I looked the part. Must have been about 21 years old that day. As far as, is porn something I wanted to do? A fun answer is… in high school a girlfriend gave me a sticker once for my binder that said “Pornstar” and I’m living up to it, but at one time that was a simple answer fun answer. Ultimately I was good on set and reliable, and could also cun on command. Yet I had to go and push on towards my goal as an actor, so on my hiatus that’s what I’ve been doing yet it’s really hard. Especially after doing porn. But I ultimately decided I can do both and why run from something you are so good at.
How long does it take to make a porn film?
When I filmed with Randy Blue we would bust them out in 2-4 hours. RB was straight and to the point, “Hey buddy nice workout” then fuck. With Men.com it is a little more involved. The sets are larger and there is an actual script with real words. Hahaha
How do you stay hard when you have all the distractions of lights, cameras and people?
I get deep inside of my head and imagine a really hot girl, so vividly I can even pretend that the hairy dude in front of me is a girl. Every Once in a while i will catch a clear view of the manly hair on the dudes ass i’m fucking, but quickly pop back into the virtual reality inside of brain.
Does it pay to do porn?
Back in the day with Randy Blue YES very much so. Once live camming came around the scene pay went way down. Yet now as i’m getting back into it we really have more room to grow and better control with platforms like Onlyfans.com/reeserideout and Justfor.fans/reeserideout

Why is porn free on the internet? Can you make any money on a movie anymore? How much on average does it cost to make a HD film?
Yes, there is a lot of “Free” porn online. But someone is making money on the ad revenue, the ads that play before each video. So that is why so many guys are now on these paid sites like Onlyfans etc.
How do you stay in shape?
I make sure my food is fairly good and get to the gym 4 times a week. Plus now I’m working on a new series for my Nick Dent character called “Muscles & Meals” where you cook and workout at the same time. So that helps me burn calories. That’s at Nickdent.us
We know you are out of retirement? How long are you planning to stay in the business?
Well , you know, realistically I probably should have never left but I should plan on being in it another 10 years or till I’m 50. Sure my ideal situation would be to be a working actor making a living, and as much as I like to be delusionally grounded I also have to be real. I also would really like to have a thriving company. Particularly in the entertainment industry.

Have you done any producing or directing?
Yes with some very small projects. I’ve also written a few movie scripts with my good friend Clyde. We are shopping them around, plus have tried to raise funds to no avail. But we will keep on pushing. I will not give up.
Would you rather be with old or young actors?
Who ever pays the most haha. Nah, I like working with big names and good people. But let’s face it, some soft supple skin is always a good choice.
How does it feel to be the oldest guy in the room? In everyday life, there is age discrimination in finding work. Do you find age discrimination at all for you in your industry?
I think it is prevalent in the industry since it plays on our primal instincts to find healthy fresh mates. But I believe that more importantly is who you are as a person and your work ethic. Half the battle is to show up. Once you are there, it is nice and helpful. Plus always gaining more knowledge is key.

Do the actors ever end up in relationships with their co stars?
Yes I do see it every once in a while but since I’m married I personally do not have that issue. In that sense I’m lucky, I can show up and not worry about that aspect. Someone is at home waiting for me.
Is it difficult to be in a relationship because of your industry ?
I feel it could be with a gay relationship. But in my circumstance my wife is not worried about losing me to a guy. She knows that I like girls more. Now if I was doing straight porn she would be a little iffy.
Have you had any embarrassing moments?
I had one once where I was sucking a dick and my gag reflex alarm was set off. So my stomach went into action and purged all that was in my belly, up it went through my esophagus and filled my mouth up like a bird bath. But being the pro I am, I swallowed all of it back down with every bit of pride and dignity I may have had as well.
Words that best describe you?
A Human trying to make his mark and be someone special that can hopefully one day be able to take his whole family on a nice trip. Which is the dream I woke up to this morning, and woke up crying because I haven’t been able to do something like that.
When did you become out to friends and family?
I live in a glass house with no closet, I’m as open as I can be with most people. If coming out was an option for me, I’m sure I would have done it by now.
Nobody knows that I ……
I’m just like them. People probably think I’m different and we all do that. But we have more in common then we think. At least in the day to day tasks. Sure I have an insatiable appetite for always striving to be my best.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
I don’t believe I have found it yet, and may never, who knows. The place I would like to be is out of debt and comfortable in paying the mortgage. Having something I’m great at that I can share with the world. And yes a physical place to call my favorite would be fantastic, but I haven’t left this continent yet to be able to know what the tropical Caribbeans look and feel like or the flavor and feel of Greece, etc. etc.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
It probably goes in this order. Mom, Dad, Mechanics Teacher, Wrestling Coach, Wife, Randy Blue, KH (To prominent to say full name), My Buddy Clyde, Senseis, Tai Lopez, Bryan Hawn
I would give anything to meet…
I just think it would be amazing to be able to meet David Geffen and take a ride on the “Rising Sun” I’m just very intrigued by amazing business moguls and hope to one day be a 1/100 that good and be the best I can.
Your idea of a perfect evening is?
Going to bed a little smarter than when I woke up.
The last book I read was ….
“Relentless” By Tim S. Grover I’m now working on “When I stop talking, You’ll know I’m dead” Jerry Weintraub. I really like self-help and self improvement books.
My favorite movies/plays are?
My two favorite movies are “Labyrinth” with David bowie and “Little Monsters” with Howie Mandel and the Savages.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
Being born! You have a one in four hundred trillion chance of being born here on earth, so I’d say that, next would be the fact that I don’t believe in 9-5 jobs. sure we all need someone to do them, but it aint gonna be me, I have a dream.
What odd talent do you have?
I just got my Black Belt this last year. You could also call me a Jack of all trades but a master of none. I long for something to be the best in the world at. Actor, Singer, Producer, Business mogul. In that order or all at the same time would be great.
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe?
I would like to say that you all make me feel so welcomed and it really is a joy to be a part of your community in a small way, so far in my life it is one of the only places I feel completely welcome and appreciated, so I give the exact same back in return. My comeback to the adult industry has been great, the welcome has been very warm and wonderful.
Where can our readers find you or know more about you ?
Twitter: Twitter.com/ReeseRideoutxxx
Videos: ReeseRideout.club
Ways to purchase: ReeseRideout.club