My 2 Night Stay at a BathHouse
By Max Roberts
A bathhouse? I am 41 and recently had a 14 year relationship that ran its course. I do not want to get into the details but we both parted our ways. I had a difficult time dealing with it . I was lonely and a friend told me to just enjoy being single for a while and try new things. When I was younger, I always fantasized about going to a bath house. Bathhouses were the scorn in the 80’s because many guys got infected with the aids epidemic.
I was also afraid that I would be carried away by a group of guys and get gang banged and never be heard of again. It sounds silly now but at the time, I thought it was possible.
I blocked my fears because of my curiosity….
So I took the leap of going to one of the hottest bath houses in town. ..and checked it out. Going to a bathhouse requires a certain level of open-mindedness. I was not going to judge no one but just see what really happens . This was my experience of my 2 night stay at a bathhouse.
Night 1
I decided to go clubbing but it was way too early. I parked my car at a lot where I could park all night for a pretty penny. I packed a bag with fresh clothes for the next day as well as flip flops.
I had to find the bath house because it clearly did not say bathhouse on the building. I asked a chap and he grinned and pointed me to this grey building with a huge stainless steel door. I walked in the long corridor. It was a little dark but like more of mood lighting . The staff were friendly and engaging, very helpful and explained everything
I said just for 3 hours. He told me that I should keep my personal belonging with him ( my wallet and DL) and it would be in some kinda of small vault box. I did that. He gave me a receipt.
He pointed me to the lockers and there were all kinds. You get a key to open and close it and you put the key coil on your wrist. There were several guys in the locker room. Some young and some old. Some slim and some fat. It was rather interesting because they all seem to be happy to be there and some of them knew each other. Everyone just wanted to have a good time. Good times can mean something different to everyone and i was going to find out.
I took my clothes off and used the white towel that they give you at the desk. They asked what size do you want ,by the way ,which is great if you are a bigger guy. I put my flip flops on because i did not want to step in some cum by mistake. Some blokes actually were barefoot.
I was impressed on how clean everything was. They have employees cleaning throughout their shifts. I saw plenty of condoms as well as lube that you can easily get for free on the walls.
There were also vending machines near the lockers where you can purchase water or soda and maybe a snack or two.
You could play pool as well as other games….
I decided to take a shower and go to the whirl pools and just relax and watch people. A couple of guys looked at me but I was not interested and that is ok. I was not rude, I saw some guys grab or touch other guys and if they seem to like each other they would depart to a room or go off to a coach or corner somewhere and make out and perform oral sex .
There are four levels and multiple uses on each floor. I had to explore all the levels.
Along the far wall, opposite the front desk, is a fireplace surrounded by modular seating, complete with ottomans. I relaxed a bit and watched the naked eye candy. I talked to a guy for a few minutes. He was a professor of history from a locale college.
He told me that he has been going to this bath house for years. He actually made friends there. He asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink because he was leaving. I thanked him for the offer but I told him I just arrived here.
There was a guy that was very muscular and very cute. He was totally naked. I just wanted to go on my knees and worship his ass but I had to control myself..I just got here lol…besides I would hate to get rejected .
There was TVs throughout the facility playing porn. It was cool to be in a whirl pool and see all of this going on.
I decided to get out of the whirl pool and walk thru this waterfall which was awesome and proceed to the steam room. It was steamy in the steam room. Lighting was dim and you would see guys making out or having sex but it was still respectful.
I went upstairs to the pit where guys would suck you off in the glory holes . You would put your dick in the hole and a guy would suck you in the pit. I did not try it but it was interesting . I watched and wonder if any of these guys would pick up a STD …but they seem not to worry.
The sling room was next. Most of the time no one was in the sling but when the 3 rd hour was approaching ..I revisited the sling room and saw a guy getting fucked in the sling, There must have been 20 to 25 guys watching this event. It was not for me but hey I finally saw a sling and it was like seeing live porn.
I checked out the huge gym that they had on the third floor. The equipment was awesome. I lifted some weights to get my biceps bigger for the clubs and it was cool to see naked guys working out.
If you’re nervous about the sex which I was , remember that you can also indulge your voyeuristic side and just watch, or be watched. I decided it was time to get ready for clubbing . I went downstairs to shower and go back to my locker and change. I decided to get a room for the night as I was leaving since I was going clubbing by myself and did not have a place to stay ( maybe I would meet someone , but could not depend on that ). It was cheaper than getting a hotel room.
I danced all night and met some incredible men but nothing like my ex. I was rather depressed. It was late. I went back to the bath house and entered my room. It was ok. I got a small room . There was a tv in it but playing porn. You did get a remote and you can watch various rooms at the bath house to see what was going on..the sling room, the glory hole room, the hallways, etc. I fell asleep . It was hard sleeping because of all the moaning going on thru either the porn or the rooms next to me.
The next day , I had breakfast with some friends. I did not want to tell them that I was in town earlier because I wanted to see the bathhouse in privacy and also did not want to be ridiculed or stopped from exploring this part of my fantasy.
Night 2
I decided to go back one more time. I heard that was a DJ playing . I told my friends that I had plans and could not hang out with them that night.
I got to the bathhouse at 8 pm. It was “lights out.” Lights out is where it is fairly dark in the hallways and rooms. You are given a flash light to hold. Kinda scary but thrilling at the same time.
I got my room for the night. I saw that there was a counseling rep that was in one of the rooms with a sign stating that they provided free counseling and aids testing as well. I thought that was unique and very helpful. I approached the bloke and told him that I felt depressed and had ended a long term relationship. He was very caring and suggested I go to a center for further help. I felt relieved to tell someone my problems or my anxiety issues. I am usually stoic. I never thought that there would be a counselor at a bathhouse..I loved it.
I proceed to walk around the hallways a bit. A guy asked if he could suck me off. I actually let him, it felt so good to get that stress off of me from a cute guy. He finished me up and I thanked him kindly. He smiled and we departed.
I walked around a lot more. Just so you know, when guys rent out these rooms, they will usually have the doors open so you can see who is in the room. Some guys are masturbating and others will want you to come in or wave that they do not want you to come in ..it is that simple.
I went to my room and closed my door.
I decided that this was not what I was looking for …I showered and gather my things and went to some clubs and went home. I fulfilled my fantasy and checked my buck-list of gay things to do. ..
A bathhouse is what you make of it. There is so many things you can do and you do not have to have sex. You could even be clothed if you wanted to but I think you would look a little ridiculous.
I hope this article helps someone who ever thought of going to a bathhouse or regretted not going. It truly is different from what I thought it would be. If you want to go but you are scared to , bring a friend who you could follow around and talk while your building up your courage. As always, be careful and be mindful of what you are doing with a stranger.