Live Longer, and Healthier
Live Longer, and Healthier By Ben Bowes
Taking care of your body, is a reward in itself. With renewed energy comes a sense of well being, that is contagious amongst your loved ones. Trust me, they will thank you for it!
Your Body is a Temple, Worship it
What you get out of your body, is a direct result of what is put into it. If we don’t take care of our bodies today, we won’t be able to keep up with our kids (or grandkids) tomorrow. Here’s some simple easy to do examples of how to take better care of our temples.
Drink plenty of water
Water is an excellent method of flushing your body and keeping things moving along like nobody’s business. By ensuring you drink plenty of water, you prevent being dehydrated which can lead to a number of health issues such as muscle spasms, kidney failure and yes even death.
Avoid too many carbs
Carbohydrates cause insulin levels to rise, increasing the chance of diabetes, as well as breast cancer in menopausal women.
Don’t overindulge
Too much of anything is a very bad thing. Drugs (prescription and otherwise), food and drink in excess can be extremely harmful to your health. Remember: all things in moderation.
Anti-Oxidants are our Friends
These handy consumables are known to decrease your chances of developing cancer. Consider having several of the following, but remember, everything in moderation:
– Coffee
An increased energy and metabolic rate is the result of caffeine
– Tea
Green is best (less processed), and can help reduce the risk of heart attacks
– Wine
Wine helps maintain a healthy heart, and also can help slow down the aging process
– Fruits
5 a day keeps the doctor away!
Reduce Stress
Having close relationships, a positive outlook, steady employment (or a steady hobby) and simply smiling all contribute to a lower stress level. This in turn can help maintain a healthy heart rate and stress relief.
Relationships: people who have someone to confide in, have been known to live longer healthier lives as opposed to their more hermit-like counterparts.
Positivity: the number one stress inducer is that which comes from our insides. Any constant fear or worry that follows us, interferes with our daily lives, relationships and routine.
Have A Purpose: Many people over 100 years of age, claim that by having a purpose has helped them reach their age. Reasons can be from something as simple as helping others, to a book or some other such personal goal.
Smile: Smiling is like a drug, the more we do it, the more we want to do it. It’s contagious too, for every smile, there is another motivating smile behind it.
About the author: Ben Bowes is a freelance writer, and operates The Healthy Wellness Club. For more great healthy living tips, head on over to http://www.thehealthywellnessclub.com/
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Live-Longer,-and-Healthier&id=8153438] Live Longer, and Healthier