Health benefits of Indian Spices and Herbs
Health benefits of Indian Spices and Herbs
by Guest Writer Deepak M. Sood Indian people enjoy food with lot of flavor, spices and herbs and I am no exception to it. I grew up in New Delhi, relishing the delectable and mouth watering Indian food and curry. Not only the spices add taste and flavor to food but also help fight diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, aids in digestion, helps prevent dental problems etc.
Here is the list of 5 Indian spices that I use in my cooking everyday and here are the Health Benefits of Indian Spices and herbs:
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is used as an essential part of Indian cooking, it imparts yellow color to the food and studies have shown that it has huge health benefits. It helps in managing heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. It is often applied to wounds to hasten blood coagulation and as an antiseptic. I use it after a razor cut or nick while shaving and on small cuts like paper cut. My mother used to add turmeric and honey to milk after I had a sport related injury, a fall and fever.
It contains chemicals called “curcuminoids” which possess anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties. It helps cure allergies, shingles and eczema, along with inhibiting tumor cell grown and suppressing enzymes that activate carcinogen.
2. Cloves
Cloves are Aromatic Indian spices. Traditionally used to add flavor to curry, meat and marinades. It can be used as an ant repellant. Cloves are carminative and increase
Cloves are
peristalsis and increase Hydrochloric acid in stomach. It helps in fever reduction, boosting insulin function in our body. They have use in Dentistry as they act as pain killer during tooth ache. I remember my mom asking me to apply clove oil on tooth which hurt, when I was a kid. I always have clove oil at home and use clove to cook my meat and curry dishes.
3. Cumin seeds
Cumin seeds aid in digestion, enhancing appetite, vision, strength and lactation. It is also used to treat diseases like fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. It has excellent anti-epileptic, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor and anti-microbial properties. I use cumin in all the dishes I prepare, be it vegetarian or non-vegetarian dishes. The best way to use cumin seeds is to heat oil in a pan at 340 and then add cumin seeds. The aroma and taste is superb. I highly recommend use of cumin seeds and turmeric powder in food. These two indian spices, not only add flavor but are beneficial as well.
4.Garam Masala
It is often called the King of Indian Spices, it is a blend of several spices like: turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, black and white peppercorns, black and white cumin seeds and black, brown and green cardamom. It is known to slow down aging and promote weight loss.
5. Fennel seeds
Okay, I love fennel seeds. As a kid I used to take 10-12 seeds and chew them, it freshens mouth just like mint, aids saliva production, helps in digestions, treats flatulence, improves eyesight, potential treatment for hypertension. Powdered fennel keeps fleas away from stables and kennels. I add fennel seeds to desserts and eat roasted or raw fennel seeds if I have a tummy ache or indigestion.
If you would like additional information regarding Indian spices and herbs, find Deepak M. Sood on his website , http://Desigaylife.com