By William Smith
For many of us, we are so busy with our own lives that we forget to remind ourselves of the wonderful experiences we have in our lives and to thank people that do wonderful things for us with no intentions except to be kind. We take our experiences for grant it and at times do not show gratitude in the process.
It maybe hard to believe but at times, I don’t feel very “Gay”. I sometimes don’t feel like being thankful.
Sometimes , my negative experiences overpower my positive ones. The reason? A person or two disappointed me or took advantage of my good intentions or I did not feel that some people do not appreciate me as a person. I would think why should I work so hard at being understanding , helpful or caring when there are so many that do not even care about me?
But, as most people know me, I cannot linger long in self pity. Those horrible experiences or thoughts are just 2% of my experiences with people. 98% have been great and I have to be grateful for that .
Being grateful is seeing the world differently . It is a different way of looking at things.
I know there is evidence to suggest that gratitude is good for us, and that it encourages more gratitude. It helps you to overcome adversity and helps you find greater joy in your life.
I have met some wonderful gay people in the last five years. I have learned from them and there were no hidden costs or agenda.. Those moments and experiences helped me cope and guide me when there were difficult days of being lonely or insecure and helped me see how my life has been extraordinary!
Seeing Gratitude in your life can be awkward at first, but it gets easier with practice. This morning, for example, I’m grateful for the sun beaming in my window and my plants that I planted last summer are really growing now . My backyard doesn’t get a lot of sun but I am choosing to accept these rays as a gift. Last night, I cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom until it sparkled, after a long week of putting it off. This morning, when I walked in to make my coffee, I was grateful to last night’s self for this lovely gift. I am grateful that I have a vehicle that safely brings me to work everyday I am grateful for so many mentors and influencers that want to speak at the conference next year about their experiences and to better our community.
This isn’t newsworthy but once you start noticing them and thinking about gratitude , it will likely become habit forming.
Most people tend to focus on what is wrong with their lives, or they may not appreciate some of the small things that they receive like this simple blog .
So why not give it a try? Once a day, or every couple days, spend a little time with a notebook or just think about the moments. Make a list. Or carry it with you and write things down during your day as they come to you. Collect your blessings in a place you can see them and return to them. Use them as ammunition against the moments when it feels like everything is going wrong in your life and start thanking the people that have changed your life for the good.
In this day and age, everyone needs to feel gratitude. Leave an email..a voice mail or just straight tell them to their face .
There is no downside.
I want you to expect wonder and beauty in the world and acknowledge it when you see it.
Keep on Aging Forward!
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