A Dialogue: Ageism in Gay America
A Dialogue: Ageism in Gay America
By Max Roberts
What really is Ageism especially when it pertains to a person who is gay? Ageism is described as a stereotype and often negative perception of older adults. One discriminates against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. It can be casual or systematic.
There are several factors that have to be considered regarding Age discrimination in Gay America:Employment:
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. It does not protect workers under the age of 40, although some states do have laws that protect younger workers from age discrimination. It is possible that one gets to a level of income at age 40 , a company will discriminate and try to terminate that person to bring on a younger person with less salary expectations.
According to the United States Employment Opportunity Commission:
Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks about a person’s age. Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that aren’t very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).The person that harasses can be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.
Gay Culture
The gay culture as well as American culture , for the most part, glorifies youth and physical beauty. There is often little interaction across generations and therefore little understanding of the issues of differing age groups. There are not many avenues to turn for gay men in their forties and beyond. One may feel like they have been abandon and forgotten . I created this site as an alternative and to create dialogue across generations.
Bias in Health Care
Lack of preventive care and screening for cancer, heart problems, and other conditions.
A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that 90 percent of people over 65 do not receive appropriate screening for cancer, heart problems, and other conditions. Statistics show that 80 percent of fatal heart attacks and 60 percent of cancer deaths are among people 65 and older. One in three seniors don’t get flu shots, and fewer receive vaccines that would prevent pneumococcus infections.
Substance abuse, smoking, and other problems go unchecked. Doctors often overlook prescription drug misuse and alcoholism because they don’t consider it as urgent a problem as in younger people.
Older patients are left out of clinical trials of drugs that they ultimately are likely to consume the most. Studies show seniors are included in drug trials in low numbers even though they are the most likely to have conditions that those drugs are intended to treat.
The elderly commit suicide at rates four times the national average.. depression is not a normal part of aging. 40 percent of seniors who commit suicide do so the same week they see a primary care doctor, and 75 percent kill themselves within a month, says a report, published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
So what do we do about Ageism in Gay America?
- There needs to be a turnaround in the gay community to honor those older gay folks who have brought so much to the forefront of change. We must create more dialogue across generations. We must educate gay youth of the history of the struggle. Many non Western cultures honor people who are older with respect and dignity . There is beauty in all ages and as a community we must find it together. We may not change American culture but we can at least start in our sub culture and go from there.
- Build intergenerational bridges where generations can do activities together and create dialogue.
- Moreover, there are so many older gay Americans who are doing extremely well and have extraordinary lives. They travel, have close bonds with others and that are in healthy relationships or content with being single. We need to see more of that in formats like this as well. I am always energized when hearing and seeing great men older than me ..having more energy and focus than their younger counterparts . Little has been written about those people who would help younger gays not be so traumatized when turning thirty, forty or fifty years of age or more.
- Learn about aging. It is the white elephant in the room. The better informed we are, the less fearful we will become as a gay culture. ..this may also help someone resist negative stereotyping of aging .
- Learn about Age discrimination laws. Stand firm and be an advocate . Be an advocate for yourself and your partner or a close friend who may need someone to speak for them when he or she cannot. Ageism is just as serious as racism or sexism.It is very common for older adults to face discrimination in housing, health, and other key services. We must as a culture not take it lightly.
Get involved and promote and suggest more organizations that are doing something about ageism like : – SAGE USA http://sageusa.org & the Equal Rights Center, Washington DC.-
I hope this article may open some dialogue regarding this issue. Aging is just part of life and everyone will experience it. We must keep on moving and aging forward.
Please leave comments below. I look forward to hearing from you .
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To get serious results, one may need to make an investment in themselves for an ultimate transformation.
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If you’re ready to Age Forward and begin your own transformation and your heart and soul are saying, “ Lets Do this!” , I hope you’ll take the leap with us and contact us at will@gaylifeafter40.com