From FBI to Rocker: Susan SurfTone
Name: Susan SurfTone
Birth Place: Hudson, New York
Occupation: Musician, Writer, retired Attorney
How was it like to work for the FBI? as a lesbian?
It was a very interesting job to say the least. For a young woman it was a challenge in many ways to work is such a male-dominated environment. As a lesbian it was difficult. My job was on the line if my sexual preference was found out. Times have changed and that’s not the case today for gay special agents.
What kind of music does your band, SurfTone play? Genre?
My band, Susan and The SurfTones played instrumental surf music. In 2011 I started performing and recording as Susan SurfTone. The genres have expanded to include rockabilly and blues as well as surf music.
SurfTone –Where did that name come about?
We played surf music. It seemed logical.
What instrument do you play?
I’ve been playing guitar for over 50 years.
I also play bass on my recordings since 2011.
Do you sing as well?
I have, in the past two years, started to sing. Better late
than never.
What influence you to form a band in the first place?
I started playing the guitar in 1964 when The Beatles appeared
On The Ed Sullivan Show. I have been an Elvis Presley fan since as long as I can remember. Forming a band seemed to be a natural path for me. After seeing The Ramones play in the late 1970’s I knew I could do it.
Words that best describe you?
Intelligent, driven, honest.
When did you become out to friends and family?
It was a gradual process. In just being myself, people knew.
There was no announcement.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
Like everyone else my mother, for better or worse.
I have tried to use the good things I learned from her and learn from the bad. History should not repeat itself.
I would give anything to meet…
A girlfriend I can relate to.
Your idea of a perfect evening is?
Dinner and talking, maybe a walk.
The last book I read was ….
“Mick Jagger” by Philip Norman. I read a lot of music biographies.
Jagger is an interesting subject and Norman is one of the best music biography writers out there.
My favorite movies/plays are?
“That Thing You Do’ and “Backbeat”. I’ve lived them in a way.
What kinds of singers and bands do you listen to?
Mostly from the 1950’s and 1960’s. Also, punk and new
Wave from the 1970’s and 1980’s. It’s what I play and what I listen to for the most part.
Nobody knows that I ……
That I have a line in any type of relationship and once it’s crossed, that’s it. It’s unspoken but once someone has crossed it, it is done.
It takes a lot to get to that point.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?.
A small patch of woods in Hillsboro, Oregon
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I am not a spontaneous person. At times I wish I was.
What odd talent do you have?
I can flip quarters off my elbow and catch them. Nine is the record.
What had been your biggest setback or failure in life and how did you overcome it?
My ulnar nerve in my right hand was severed in surgery when I was nineteen. I have had a pain condition ever since. I overcame it by ignoring it and not letting it be an excuse for not doing what I wanted to do.
If I could meet my younger self, I would tell him…
It will be okay.
What are the biggest challenges you have as a lesbian after 40? ……
The pain condition gets worse with age. The usual that everyone goes through. Also attempting to stay relevant in the music business that still favors youth.
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe?
Experience is a valuable thing if you learn from it.
Where can our readers find you or know more about you?
Facebook: Susan SurfTone
Videos: “Little Bit Lied To” and “Out of My Dreams”. Links are on my website. www.susansurftone.com Links to my political writings are also there.
Ways to purchase: CDbaby