Fear of Aging? How to Overcome it


 Fear of Aging? How to Overcome it

By George Vero



With a Porsche of course….

Joking aside aging is something many people are very afraid of. The fear starts to settle in with the age of 40 – the number 4 being the devil in this case. With the world that is so obsessed and demanding regarding the looks, there is little you can do on avoiding being troubles because wrinkles are beginning to show and your body is not as strong as it used to be.

However, this process is very natural and there are two ways of fighting against it – either by accepting it or, well, fighting against it.

Getting ahead on aging has never been easy. Expensive hair lotions and body creams, safe waxing and non-alcohol cologne will hardly to do the trick – and even when they help , you have to do it for years and years to notice the results that last for how long? Well, not that long anyways. Nonetheless, this is definitely a way you can try to slow down the aging process.

Another one is by getting regular exercise and eating healthy. This is not some dieting post – its an article about how working out will make you feel younger because you will have a functioning body when aging. Telling your body every day that you still need it by working out in the gym or playing tennis is a great way of convincing the body not to lose the muscle and bone density that gives your body a shape. Loose that and you will feel older and miserable. But on the other hand if you try to workout alongside 20-year-old steroid youngsters you will see that your body will look better in the mirror and in the eyes of others. Even on the chemical level, exercising will stimulate the production of serotonin – the happy hormone, pheromones to attach other people who will in turn make you feel young and force you to have a young man’s mentality. And this is only for the best!

On the other hand, you can accept that you are getting older and there is pretty much nothing to do about it but enjoy the ride.

Here we will reveal four effective ways on how to cope with getting old:

The first one is your social network. We are not talking about Facebook or Twitter, albeit they may help you to be in touch with your social circle. Cultivating relationships is very important when getting older – having a sense of connection in one’s life is crucial. You can stay in regular contact with family and friends and hang with them as in the old days. There’s an added bonus in all this – they too are getting old and have similar problems. You can get together and nag a bit about the good old times and the tortures of everyday life – however, going this way may increase the likelihood of you becoming a nagging grumpy when truly old.

On the other hand you can connect with our spirituality. You can start with meditation, yoga or even prayer, it makes no matter – being in touch with yourself and your mind is sometimes very revealing and relaxing experience that will take your mind of getting old. In such a way, you will not worry that much about that addition wrinkle that is beginning to show and will have time to focus on the things that really matter to you.

You can also think about making a difference. Selfless choices such as donations or supporting a cause have their ways of warming up a man’s heart and should not be neglected. Think about the problem in today’s world that you want to solve and start being a part of the solution.

Finally, aging and growing old are not the same. It is how you “evolve in spirit”.  Recognizing that no one can live forever, you will avail yourself of the life you have, and enjoy it as much as possible. To be fully living is to realize that one has to be prepared to be fully aware of death as well.  Let’s redefine later life as a time of reflection and growth.

“So long as we lock ourselves into an obsession with the youth  culture, we can only develop age rage and dehumanize ourselves, says  Betty Friedan. Those who give up their denial of age, who age     consciously, “grow and become aware of new capacities they develop while aging…. [They] become more authentically themselves.”

 Gay life after 40.com has given you ways for you to overcome  the fear of aging and live the best life possible…. free and liberated from the shackles of fear.   Love your aging self . Keep on aging forward with strength and resiliency!

What do you think? Are you afraid of aging? Please leave  comments below and join our after 40 tribe! 



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