The Authentic Eddie Garro
Name: Eddie Garro
Birth Place: Queens, New York
Occupation: Education Specialist
Words that best describe you? Quick witted, compassionate, feisty, emotional.
What do you mean by emotional?
I wear my emotions on my sleeve, when I see an injustice it cuts me deep, when I see us being treated less then, being regarded as anything other it hurts me deep like it does for all of us.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
What a tough question; the person who has changed me the most is my daughter and my husband. They both have influenced me for the better.
When did you become out to friends and family?
It feels like a million years ago, thankfully I have always been supported and loved and never been made to feel less then.
I would give anything to meet…
Either Ellen DeGeneres or Celine Dion
Your idea of a perfect evening is?
The perfect evening for me would be with my daughter and husband and our dogs all watching a movie in our home, laughing and just being with each other.
The last book I read was …. The last book I read was by author JR Ward, it’s a series of books “The Black Dagger Brotherhood” they are an amazing and captivating read. I have read them all and highly suggest the series.
My favorite movies/plays are? : The Birdcage is always a favorite movie, as well as Elizabeth. The play I loved the most was Mamma Mia in New York, loved every moment and song in it.
Nobody knows that I ……:
I would like to try local theater, the idea of performing in front of a crowd both terrifies and excites me at the same time.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
At this point in life it is Key West, Florida. The times we spend there are pure heaven its our safe space.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I bought a meet and greet ticket to see Ricky Martin in North Carolina, way expensive but way worth it.
What odd talent do you have?
I know how to braid hair
What had been your biggest setback or failure in life and how did you overcome it?
Great question, when I think back on setbacks or failures the first thing that comes to mind is college. Although I have a college education at this point, this was not something I started until I was in my 40’s. I wish I would have done this right out of high school.
If I could meet my younger self, I would tell him…
You can be anything and do anything you want. Be fearless, be brave, be YOU.
What are the biggest challenges you have as a gay man after 40? ……: I feel that there are times in which I am rushing to get everything done now. Being 50 (ouch) I honestly struggle with the idea of pacing myself out and doing things one day at a time. I feel I need to get it all in now.
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe?
thank you, for the inclusion, for the friendship, for the voice, for our platform.
Where can our readers find you or know more about you ?
on my blog at www.introducingeddie.com