Country Music Artist Drake Jensen
Name: Drake Jensen
Birth Place: Glace Bay,NS Canada
Occupation: Country Music Artist
What made you become a Country music singer vs. another genre of music?
Well, in my teen years I sang in rock bands.My early influence was my parents playing classics Like Merle Haggard and George Jones. As I got older I just preferred more meaning in the music, so I went back to my roots.
What does music mean to you?
Music to me is the ultimate expression of human emotion. Many people that cannot outwardly express themselves use music as an outlet. Music has always been my vehicle.
Who is your favorite singer or genre and why?
This is a question I really never answer. Whether it be music or paintings is so subjective and different. I cannot chose a “favorite” in such an expanse landscape!!!
If you could dabble in another genre of music, what would it be?
Electric synth pop
Do you write your own music or lyrics?
I do. I wrote about 6 of my own. I LOVE when someone pitches a tune to me or I find something great to reinvent. Being a true artist to me is being able to make something your own because you also could find meaning in it.
Words that best describe you?
Tenacious, Loyal, & Driven
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
My husband Michael hands down.
Why is he your biggest influence?
Theres this bond we have.Like so much beyond the physical.I have always been in awe of that.He’s stuck by my through the WORST so I get get to be my very best. He’s a hero to me.
Best advice ever given?
Be gracious,love and give more
When did you first start singing?
I was 5 ..performed at my pre school grad LOL
What is your favorite song that you sing?
Depends on my mood, but first to come to mind is Scars.
When did you become out to friends and family?
I came out when I was 26 to my family.I came out again musically in 2011 with the release of “On My Way To Finding You” . I think we come out many times in our lives.
We at, GLA40, were very impressed with the video, the impact of “Scars That You can’t See” which really put you into the center of the activist as a spokesman for www.bullying.org, the anti-bullying movement to stem the tide of bullying-related suicides of gay teens. How did that come about?
I lived that for 10 years of my life in grade school. So bad that I left school when I was 14. I have a passion for education that eliminates the fear that creates ignorance and hate. It is why I got this far I believe. So I do feel like a messenger. I just recently got involved with the local youth centre in my home town.
I would give anything to meet…
Celine Dion
What does Celine Dion mean to you?
Positive flow of energy in every song.
Your idea of a perfect evening is?
Burger,fries,single malt and my pipe,and then sex …in that order!!!
The last book I read was ….
Deepak Chopra I am big on spirituality and self-empowerment!!
My favorite movies/plays are?
Contact, and Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
Nobody knows that I …… am really kind of shy!!
What do you think about when you’re preforming?
Love. Helping people. Being able to connect them to the positive energy I connect with when I am onstage.
What had been your biggest setback or failure in life and how did you overcome it?
Myself….I really had to learn to love and accept myself for who I am. At 46 I have truly found “myself” Now I feel anything is possible!!
If I could meet my younger self, I would tell him…
Don’t be so negative. Find the positive in everything and use it as fuel to propel yourself forward. Oh and live within the moment a little more!!
What are the biggest challenges you have as a gay man after 40? ……
I feel that gay society, and gay media in particular, deem men over 40 to be disposable. IT is time we revolutionize this thinking. I think that men our age have a lot to offer!!! These past few years in the music business have been some of the best years of my life!!!
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe?
In UNITY we are strong!! We have so much to do after 40.We have been through the worst, especially our generation that fought for the rights that the younger ones enjoy today. I do feel we are not credited near enough for that. It is taken for granted these days!!! History should never be forgotten.
What projects do you have going on right now?
Headlinig prides this summer in Canada,a couple of fundraiser shows,a new radio release here in Canada,and a brand new short film.
Where can our readers find you or know more about you?