Contribution ( 6 of 6 Human Needs)
I am sure you heard that there is a reason behind everything we do, whether it’s conscious or unconscious. We will be exploring the Six human needs and how it affects our relationships with each other as well as in life.
Everyone has these 6 human needs. How one prioritizes the needs determines how they act. If you’ve ever wondered what drives your daily life or wanted to change your path, I believe that this will be a great series to follow. If you identify with the needs, there will be an opportunity to develop significant change.
Are you meeting those needs in a way which is empowering or in a way which is destructive?
For 6 weeks, we will explore the 6 Human Needs. Inspired and created by Tony Robbins. We will put a unique gay spin to them.
By William Smith
CONTRIBUTION: The need to feel like we are giving, donating, leaving our mark, serving, offering and contributing to others
◾I know that one sometimes feels unfilled if not contributing to others. As gay men and women , we may not have children. But that should not stop us from contributing in someway to children and in various causes. .
◾I always felt comforted being at my grandparents house. My grandparents would always want to share their meals with me. A simple bunch of cookies would suffice..it was a way of contributing something special to me and I never forgot it.
There were so many teachers that have shared their wisdom to hundreds of students. I remember crying to a teacher that I was failing miserably in a science class. This teacher spent hours helping me and teaching me how to study. It changed my life forever.
- I have realized that the older I have become, the more I want to contribute. We , at Gay life after 40 , created this site because we wanted to give back to the community. We knew there was something lacking for the 40+ age group.
Of all the 6 human needs, this need of contribution is the need we need most of.
The Positive aspects of Contribution:
Contributing beyond oneself is essential to a sense of fulfillment and happiness in life. You can volunteer time or make a donation to a charitable organization. A parent contributes when they provide their children with a good education. Many people want to leave their mark on this world with good deeds or a legacy with their children.
When you put contribution at the top of your 6 basic human needs, you have grown spiritually.
Create a life centered around giving and contribution. So many are doing it such as non-profits, web sites around accumulating niche sites with vast amounts of knowledge delivered via podcasts, written articles, videos, etc.
- Mentor someone in need – just being there for someone in need and offering some of your wisdom from experiences can go a long way. I remember a young associate of mine who was gay . I was the Human Resource manager at a department store. He told me that he was drinking a lot and being reckless sexually. I told him that he should stop that behavior and I offered him advice. About 4 months later, I met his father at a company function. His father told me that I saved his son’s life. His son changed his behavior and was planning to attend college and was hanging out with better people. I spent just 30 minutes with his son and I changed a life? wow . I did not judge the young man but simply told him that he was better than that . I told him about my experiences and what repercussions could occur if he continued going down the wrong path.
LGBT Older People are twice as likely (14% vs. 7%) as compared to non LGBT people to see themselves as mentors.
Sage 2014 Study
- Your biggest asset is your time, if you offer it to someone else, that may be your biggest contribution.
- Take better care of your family, call friends you haven’t seen in weeks or months and invite them to dinner and show them the absolute best time.
Don’t fall in the trap of creating a Negative aspect of Contribution:
Unfortunately people can fulfill their need for contribution by destroying others. This sense of contribution tends to have a distorted intent. An example would be someone hurting an ex because he/ she broke up with them . It can even be an employee who gets another employee fired because they just didn’t like them and now believe things are better off without them. We can learn from others and wasting precious time to build alliances and voting people off the island is something that we should avoid.
Did You Know?
We do hold group and private life coaching at GLA40 for a small fee to help you over overcome obstacles that may interfere with your ability to have a fulfilled life.
To get serious results, one may need to make an investment in themselves for an ultimate transformation.
Many of us at our age are driven by a deep knowing that we were born for a certain reason. Maybe, you feel that your life is not totally fulfilled yet , and you have decided that you don’t want to waste your time anymore. If not now, when will you actually lead a more fulfilling life or get help with a problem that you may have carried with you for over 20 years? But your heart and soul must be invested in the process in order to be effective. If you’re not ready to take bold action, please wait until you are before hiring us..
If you’re ready to age forward and begin your own transformation and your heart and soul are saying, “ Lets Do this!” , I hope you’ll take the leap with us and contact us at will@gaylifeafter40.com