The Consequences of Watching Porn
By Max Roberts
The Good News
I enjoy watching gay porn nowadays. It is so different than years ago. Gone are the days of the black closeted rooms and the glory holes. Now, I can watch it in the privacy of my own home and in High definition ! without some other male looing at me thru a hole in the wall.
The categories are so helpful when your wanting to see a fetish that you always wanted to pursue or learn some new sexual technique or position.
Porn can help me be a better sexual partner because I try not make it boring but add things to the mix with my partner.
Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression and fantasy, I can’t seem to get enough of it. I thought I’d outgrow my porn habit over time. But I never did.
Houston we have a problem..
I realize that porn can also be a problem for me. I realize that the more I watch, the more unrealistic expectations I have for my partner.
I felt a numbness at times because I wanted to have that private time between me and my computer vs. my partner. Inability to orgasm when not watching porn was becoming a reality., and general lack of interest in everyday life.
It could have caused me problems at work. You see I envisioned sexual acts at work in my head which is totally not like I want to see or think about with my working colleagues or customers. I started losing respect for others. I don’t want to have sexual moments all day in my brain and think that I could be called out by the Me2 movement as a predator for real if I acted upon it and possibly get arrested.
We must take it seriously
You might be thinking that I am taking porn too seriously but I say we must take it seriously. Porn is great but I found that one must take control of it or it could control you. I had to tell myself that this is not reality. It is fantasy. Porn addiction is an extremely complex issue with no simple answers or cookie cutter solutions but one thing I do know is that one must keep it in check. As gay men we should honestly talk about this issue to each other and support each other in the process. I want to see my fellow gay men in reality as people and not just as sexual objects. I am better than that and I believe you are too. I hope this article at least brings a dialogue of conversation.
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