Comedian Peter Bisuito
Name: Peter Bisuito ( My Big Funny Peter)
Birth Place: Rochester, NY
Occupation: I make people happy for a living.
Words that best describe you?
BEFORE 40: Down-to-earth, funny,
sensitive, loyal, caring.
AFTER 40: Pissy, moody and bloated.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
Wow, this is a very difficult question to answer. There have been many
influences in my life. From former acting and dance teachers to former
bosses, to big time celebrities such as Madonna, George Carlin, Liza,
Kathleen Madigan etc.
When did you become out to friends and family? It was a pretty
long process for me. I started coming out around the age of 28. I was fully
out by 32. The last people I told were my parents and they said, “Well
I would give anything to meet…
Oh God, do I dare say it?? MADONNA. I’ve been fascinated with her since I
was a teen-ager. Does GLA40 have any connections?
Your idea of a perfect evening is? Sitting on the couch with my hubby
on one side and my dog on the other with the fireplace going during a
blizzard. AND POPCORN…we cannot forget the popcorn.
The last book I read was …. Honey, I don’t read. I’m read to…
My favorite movies/plays are? I have many favorite movies. The
Terminator 1 & 2. First Wives Club, Death Becomes Her, SouthPark the
Movie to name a few. But my favorite play is definitely Les Miserables. That
was the very first play I ever saw in my life. I was 20 years old and it
fascinated me. I’ve loved it ever since. I’ve auditioned for Eponine a
hundred times but for some reason I’ve never been cast. BASTARDS!!
Nobody knows that I ……
Have been actively studying psychology for
over 20 years. I’m fascinated with psychology. What makes people tick,
human behavior, body language etc. Just because I don’t have a fancy
degree from a University, doesn’t mean I don’t know a thing or two about
people. In other words: PSYCHOS…I’M ON TO YOU!!
What had been your biggest setback or failure in life and how did
you overcome it? I guess my biggest setback was living the life my father
wanted me to. He wanted me to go to college and get a job. I never wanted
to go to college and I certainly never wanted a “job”. I just wanted to
perform. It’s what I was born to do. It’s in my blood. But he convinced me
not to. He said performing is something I could just do “on the side”. So I
took his advice as not to disappoint him. So that’s what I did for 25 years. It
was only 3 years ago that I decided to quit my job and pursue comedy and
entertaining full-time. Something I wanted to do from the start. I just did it
and never looked back. It’s been very difficult because I feel like I’m 25
years behind and working hard to make up for it.
If I could meet my younger self, I would tell him…
…to zip up his fly…or maybe tell myself that now!
What are the biggest challenges you have as a gay man after 40?
……Hmm, to tell you the truth, I don’t really think I have any challenges
“after 40” that I didn’t have before 40. My life seems to be getting better
and better with each passing year. I have an aspiring comedy career, a
wonderful husband of 13 years, the best dog in the world (Mr. Pickles),
wonderful friends and family, I have my health and we are in the process of
moving to Fort Lauderdale this October. So life is good. However I will say
that technology is getting a bit more difficult to keep up with in my 40s.
What would you like to say to the Gay Life after 40 tribe?
Well first of all “THANK YOU” for allowing me to be a part of your tribe, but other
than that, I just ask that you continue to support my career and my mission.
I’m really trying to get famous before I die or turn 50. Whichever one
comes first!
Where can our readers find you or know more about you?
There’s LOTS of ways to know more about me:
1) Follow me on Facebook:
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6) Join my mailing list by going to my website and filling out
the contact me page: www.MyBigFunnyPeter.com