Career Changes after 40
By Beth Anderson
In today’s more competitive economy, the days of starting a career at a young age and sticking with it until retirement are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The average person will change careers several times throughout their working life, which requires a diverse skill set and the ability to deal with constant changes.
For those who are over the age of 40 and are gay, these changes can be difficult to adjust to but not impossible. Beginning a new life after the age of 40 is a daunting task.. Making the transition can seem next to impossible, but there is no reason to be afraid. Finding a comfort zone takes on a higher level of importance , which is something that many loathe leaving behind when it’s time to start a new career. Old habits die hard and making the jump to a completely different field of employment can lead to certain growing pains.
It can be a blessing in disguise, though. How many of us wish that we had the flexibility to switch careers and stop going to a job that we can’t stand every day? or the outlook for your specific job market maybe dismal. Having the ability to be over the age of 40 and still have the latitude to change course in such a dramatic fashion should be commended and admired. If one does not make any changes in their career, they maybe left behind. Switching careers from something as a hair stylist and becoming a nurse or hospital administrator can present a unique set of challenges but a great amount of agility in the economy of today.
Having the chance to change your station completely in life can be exhilarating, stressful or both, depending on your personal outlook. One must do your homework and look at what those changes will bring in your life.
So what are the disadvantages or at least obstacles you should consider before changing careers?
Not only is the work more difficult, but living in a new city or neighborhood while learning the ropes during a career change can be quite lonesome. Making the transition to a new career is already hard enough, but having to move to a new city and establish a whole new support network can be challenging. Locating new places to shop, new restaurants, new nightclubs, having to make friends all over again, none of these are simple tasks, even when we are young. Finding a community that embraces the lifestyle, making a group of trusted friends and dedicating yourself to a career that you can enjoy, all of these things take time and effort.
If you have a partner, what does he think? Being a part of a committed relationship adds more difficulty to any major life change because two parties have to agree on the direction taken. If your partner is not on board with your career change or moving to a new city, this brings added stress to an already tense situation. Since the dating pool is much smaller in the gay community, this places added emphasis on maintaining a healthy relationship with the partner you have and really talk about the whys of changing careers and how it may enhance both of your lives. In order to minimize the stress. Consulting with your partner (if you have one), researching your new career, doing your homework on the new city or neighborhood you move to, all of these things can help make the transition much smoother than you anticipate
Morphing into a different life after 40 has its advantages. Once you’ve successfully made the transition to a new and better career, you could become the envy of all your friends, both gay and straight. Consider how many people you know that constantly complain about going to work each day and wish they could something else, anything else. Unless you’re close to retirement, you may want to get off the fear ride before it’s too late.
Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear.
Cheri Huber
Instead of looking at the situation as a negative and allowing all of the associated stress factors to bog you down and make you feel alone, try to look at the positives. There is a vibrant gay culture currently thriving in just about every major American cities and even the smaller towns.
In short. switching careers while being gay and over the age of 40 is no easy task. But with the right approach and preparation, you can take a situation that appears as a challenge on the surface and turn it into a positive change in no time at all. Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the gravity of your decision. Handle the stress, don’t let your stress handle you.
You have to do what you love to do, not get stuck in that comfort zone of a regular job. Life is not a dress rehearsal. This is it.
Lucinda Basset