Aging Forward: What does it Mean?


By William Smith
I have been asked from time to time from readers , that they noticed below my site there is a tag line and it says ” Aging Forward”.

Aging Forward: What does it Mean?

Aging Forward does not really have to refer to a certain age or the progression of aging in a physical sense. It really has to do with one’s attitude through the various stages of one’s life and how they deal with it. Coping well with the stages versus coping poorly is what Aging Forward is all about.

Here are some more clarifications:

Possessing confidence in yourself by creating  plans and still possessing that curiosity to never stop learning and never stop engaging with others.It is planning your life-like you will live to be 100+ years old.  As soon as you feel that you know it all or you stop learning, you are dying.

Embracing your age, and not hiding from it. Being Gay does not have an expiration date. You are still the same gay individual as if you are were in your twenties just a different number .  For example, I used to lie and tell people I was 40 when I was 46. I finally got busted, a few years ago,  from my new boyfriend when he saw my driver’s license. He said he was disappointed not because I was 46 but because I lied to him . He loved me despite my age and he thought it was strange that I would hold such a secret.  I had the problem not him. I was afraid because he was in his thirties and I would never get a boyfriend like him if I told him my true age. It was silly. I lacked confidence in myself and I did not embrace my age. I never lied about my age after that experience. I am now 50 years old !

Aging Forward doesn’t mean you have to wear your wrinkles with pride – instead, you can do whatever is necessary to make yourself as confident as you can be. If  one wants to get plastic surgery to remove wrinkles or make your skin more youthful , and in the process gain more confidence in yourself than do it. Having wrinkles can be medals of the  passage of life  and many folks choose to keep them.

In short, Aging Forward is a mental state in working through the various stages of one’s life with curiosity, confidence, and goals. It is  working that Plan B , C, D, E or F when life brings you obstacles and challenges.  Trust me that there will be times where you will have set backs. A health scare could scare anyone. You maybe scared and you may doubt yourself, if you lose your job or a partner. But Aging Forward is knowing that these setbacks are temporary and not permanent . Pain will subside.


By never giving up. ..never surrendering … moving and Aging Forward!

If you have any additional comments or suggestions on what Aging Forward means to you , please share them under the comment section below.



We do hold group and private life coaching at GLA40 for a small fee to help you over overcome obstacles that may  interfere with your ability to have a fulfilled  life.

To get serious results, one may need to make an investment in themselves for an  ultimate transformation.

Many of us at our age  are driven by a deep knowing that we were born for a certain reason. Maybe, you feel that your life is not totally fulfilled yet , and you have  decided that you don’t want to waste your time anymore. If not now, when will you actually lead a more fulfilling life or get help with a problem that you may have carried with you for over 20 years? But  your heart and soul  must be invested in the process in order to be effective. If you’re not ready to take bold action, please wait until you are before hiring us..

If you’re ready to age forward and begin your own transformation and your heart and soul is saying, “I want to do this,” I hope you’ll take the leap with us and contact us at



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