10 Reasons Every Twentysomething Gay Man Should Date An Older Guy
Both you and he know that it’s (probably) nothing too serious. So you’re able to go into the relationship a little more relaxed. And if, by chance, it becomes more serious organically, so be it. But at least you start the relationship without any drama or ambiguity
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In case you haven’t realized, your twenties kind of suck. It’s a nonstop clusterfuck of anxiety, uncertainty, and self-discovery. He’s made it over the hump, and is doing just fine. You can learn a thing (or five) from him.
He has friends from over the decades. Surely some of them are bound to be pretty cool. Nothing wrong with expanding your friend group.
He’s been in the labor force for the past 25 years. He’s probably had more awful bosses, terrible jobs, and career changes than you can imagine. He’ll definitely be able to help you with your career track and offer some helpful hints.
This is something that only comes with age. Older gay men know how to have a vodka martini nightly without being an addict.
He’s lived through the AIDS epidemic. He was gay in a time when society was much less accepting of gay men. His perspective of being gay is undoubtedly different from your
Hopefully, at this age, he has some cash saved up, and doesn’t mind spending it on you.
Like a fine wine, he got better with age. Practice does indeed make perfect.
Yes, he may be on apps like Grindr, but he isn’t glued to Facebook the same way you are. His phone isn’t just an extension of his hand. He grew up in a time period where dating apps and social media weren’t as ubiquitously used. He knows how to take a break from the digital age.
Men don’t peak until we’re older. He’s a silver fox. He’s handsome. He’s a stud. Enjoy him.
Personally, those of us here at GayLifeAfter40.com pass no judgment on the type of relationship that you have. Gay dating is an opportunity to go out and connect with whomever that you want. At some point, you may enter into an intergenerational gay relationship. There are so many pluses on why a younger guy would want to date You.
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