Want Change? Follow The Law of GOYA
By William Smith
I know many gay men over 40 who live very extraordinary lives. Some are single, some are in committed relationships and some that are married. What they all have in common is that they have a positive approach to life. They know that life can have its ups and downs but they bounce back. The reason for this is that they accept change and they have a close knit group of friends that understand them and have their back. They can say anything to them with out the fear of being ridiculed for their thoughts or challenges. They learn from each other.
But how did they gain such a close group of friends? They followed the Law of GOYA.
What is the law of GOYA? My dear friend , Tom, told me about the Law of GOYA years ago. He simply stated that GOYA stands for Get Off Your Ass and make it happen.
“You need to stop moping and start doing”, he said to me … “You need to put your self out there in order to meet others”.
The law of GOYA aka the law of getting off your ass, requires that you
1. Seek to understand
2. Be open
3. Take action
You have probably followed the Law of Goya in the past but didn’t know it was a universal law. But now that you are over 40 , you may need to be more social again. Maybe, some of your friends have dropped off the face of the earth for one reason or another. Maybe, you are divorced and just recently came out….Let 2015 be the year that you get yourself out there.The Law of Goya does not mean just going out and doing anything. It means putting yourself in a position to win. I myself will be re-visiting the Goya Law. I have been more or less not engaged in the LGBT community like I used to be due to a recent relocation. I moved to a different state.
Therefore, I am going to a locale GLBT Conference in a month. I joined a locale meet up group and I am joining a locale gay chorus . . I am planning to get out there!.
Am I always going to have a good time? Probably not….the chances of interacting and meeting others is very high. I also want to break up my routine! I accept change.
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So if you are a person that wants to make new friends and/ or find Mr. Right what do you do? Are you just going to mope around and feel sorry for yourself? . I don’t think you should. I believe your better than that. Your extraordinary! I know its not always easy but try it and not just one time but multiple times. It will bring more confidence and value to your life . I can almost guarantee that it will make your life different for the better. You will become a different person.
We created the GLA40 Welcome kit for guys that made need a little push to get ideas and to get out there and socialize. We have a 4 eBooks in the welcome kit and much more. We wanted you to feel confident about yourself and what to expect. If interested, purchase Get The Gay Life After 40 Welcome Kit Today! http://www.gaylifeafter40.com/GLA40Kit. Included in the kit, is the private Facebook group where you can meet peers .
Regardless if you purchase the GLA40 Welcome kit or not, when it comes to socializing and dating , there is a right way & a wrong way. If you want to succeed at it , get off the couch, put your android away & learn how to socialize and/ or date smarter face to face with other people.
Promise me that you will do more socialization with others this year and not just on the internet.
Ask yourself: Am I willing to become the person who has what they really want in life?
Are you scared? Of course you are and that is natural. Your stretching yourself in unexplored territory and that can be scary to anyone.
But in order to change your social environment, change some of your life a bit or to maybe find a husband then you have to get yourself out there. Wishing and hoping is great but guys will not come to you and knock at your door based on that. You are the only one that can make it really happen, so get off your ass (sorry for the expletive lol ) and take action!
Keep on Aging Forward!
Did You Know?
We do hold group and private life coaching at GLA40 for a small fee to help you over overcome obstacles that may interfere with your ability to have a fulfilled life.
To get serious results, one may need to make an investment in themselves for an ultimate transformation.
Many of us at our age are driven by a deep knowing that we were born for a certain reason. Maybe, you feel that your life is not totally fulfilled yet , and you have decided that you don’t want to waste your time anymore. If not now, when will you actually lead a more fulfilling life or get help with a problem that you may have carried with you for over 20 years? But your heart and soul must be invested in the process in order to be effective. If you’re not ready to take bold action, please wait until you are before hiring us..
If you’re ready to age forward and begin your own transformation and your heart and soul are saying, “ Lets Do this!” , I hope you’ll take the leap with us and contact us at will@gaylifeafter40.com