5 Factors that May Trouble You
5 Factors that May Trouble You
By Guest Writer Patrick 365
We may get easily frustrated with the things in our surroundings that we know that sometimes feel like they are too big for us to handle. These things can affect our well being and happiness.. There are also things that we value at its optimum so when these are lost, we become crabby, impatient, wild, enraged or sometimes we do things that we do not expect we would do. I began to turn things around about a decade ago when my stubborn habits led me to change some of my choices regarding the things that are troubling to me but also to most people. My troubles are really my choices in life. Sometimes our thoughts and routine choices are our biggest enemies. Which is why I want to remind you to beware of…
What are these things and how do they trouble us so?
Money may sometimes be our foe. It can be the ‘ root of all evil” but it can make life extraordinary. People steal, lie and cheat because of it and worry about it. Money can drain you mentally. This can give negative impact to your health be it by physical or mental means.
Solution: The key bit of wisdom here is to deliberately worry less about money and how you compare yourself to others. Transport yourself in being a frugal person that will on occasion spend money with friends and family but leads a simple, frugal life that is built on relationships rather than things. You don’t have to start deliberately spending more, just to keep up with others –it’s a choice and a new way of living. Cultivate an awareness of all the good things in your Life that don’t necessarily pertain to money. You naturally will be more positive and can better tackle any problems, including money. Set aside specific time every week to examine and discuss your finances. You don’t have to worry the rest of the week because you know you’ll deal with things then. So maybe every wed. re examine where you are . Plan an attack to get you on a better footing and keep life simple in thought and in reality.
Work may help in keeping you busy. It removes you from doing nothing and gives you the feeling of worthiness. It also helps you in making strategic plans when problems strike. However, it may bring you to other ways that could affect your life. This happens especially when you feel that your works seem to be undervalued by your boss or someone whom you look up. It affects your whole being when you feel like you are being degraded with all of the efforts you’ve done and no acknowledgement or praise.
Solution: Strive everyday to have a work/ life balance. Do at least 1 thing for yourself a week that is fun and is not related to work. Sure, it can be difficult at first but once you start doing this, you will feel much more happier and will actually be more productive at work. Joining a group or attending an art class or being on a softball team is something that would create some fun in your life. .
Are you too afraid to meet new people especially in your new environment? If yes, then your social life does affect your life. There are also situations where you get to think deep when your friend seeks for advice coming from you. Lucky are you if you know how to respond so you know what to say. If not, then it is going to be a serious problem for you.
Solution: Start saying Hi to everyone you encounter that is 5 feet from you. Join a meet up group, attend a charity function. Just get out there. If you do not know an answer that a friend needs help with, just tell him that you will have to think about the problem for a bit and will back to him. Once you do that give your friend your thoughts and let your friend make the decision lessening the stress on you.
Does the one whom you love the most value you less? Do you feel something is lacking in you when you are with that person? If it is, then love has got to bring significant effect to your life. Whether you are single or in a relationship, it is best to know where you could find real fidelity. If you are happy remaining single for a while, then there is nothing wrong with it. Every person is entitled to choose which makes him happy.
Solution: See a relationship counselor if you are having a relationship issue with your partner or husband. If single and want to get a boyfriend then socialize with others and tell people that you are interested in being in a relationship. They may know someone that would be perfect for you. if you like being single, hooray to you! Celebrate your independence!
Health is wealth. And we can’t deny that horrible truth. No matter how rich you are in wealth, life will suck if you are perhaps weak in health. A rich man in wealth can never pay and restore his lost health. This affects our life in a huge way. You can’t do things when your health is at risk. This change will always be visible, and you can easily recognize it changes. Your worth it.
Solution: Get a check up from your doctor. See where you stand regarding your health. Take a proactive plan to lose weight , reduce cholestral and fight diabetes if those are challenges to your health. Don’t ever give up. Keep on fighting!
About the Author
Patrick 365 is a freelance writer by heart and been writing for different topics, sharing his lifetime experience and his thought to help individuals in all diversity. A brave-soul by nature, loves to travel and a food enthusiast.