30 Things Gay Men Hate To Hear During Sex
30 Things Gay Men Hate To Hear During Sex
by William Smith
We all have felt uncomfortable in bed at one time or another. Sometimes we get negative comments from our sex partners that are real mood spoilers. Here are 30 things Gay Men hate to hear during sex.
- That’s not how my ex used to do it
- Are you done yet?
- I am bored!
- Do you actually know where it is?
- Did you just come out ?
- Is this your first time?
- My ex was better
- Could you hurry up, I’m going to be late for work!
- Is it in yet?
- Have you cum yet?
- Do you mind if I bring in my laptop, and play some porn?..it gets me going.
- What’s the time?
- I’m bored!!
- Shouting another guys’ name.
- Oh , did I turn the oven off?
- WTF, that was quick?
- Oh , oh…… I think I maybe ate too much!
- Hmmm, that ceiling needs painting.
- I’ve got an STD.
- Answering the cell phone
- Maybe, I’ll stick to using my toys.
- I can’t feel anything.
- How much were those CK’s?
- Have you brushed your teeth?
- Do we always have to do it this way?
- Have you been putting on some weight?
- Here, I think you need this Viagra!
- Why don’t we just go to sleep!
- Move your head, I can’t see the TV!
- Maybe, we should consider an open relationship!
Have you ever found yourself saying things gay men would hate to hear during sex?
Dare you share?
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