21 Very Probable Reasons I’m Single
21 Very Probable Reasons I’m Single
By Max Roberts
21 Reasons Why I maybe Single
1. I like to sleep in the middle of the bed.
2. I just like being single! I can do as I please and not have to answer to anyone…simple as that!
3. I would rather masturbate watching porn and get my sexual urges over with and finished so I can focus on other things. It’s quick and The real world has a lot of stress and uncertainty. The world of porn is predictable and controllable, with lots of variety.
4. I’m bad at texting. Most of my text conversations are just to set up meet times; anything past that is a near impossible feat. I hate going back and forth with a guy..just fricken call me! .
5. I like phone calls. Guys probably run away like, “Oh my god, this guy is so clingy!” trying to block my number and unfriend me on Facebook as fast as they can. In reality, I’m just trying to best utilize my time
6. I like One Direction and Justin Beiber. I don’t even care if my music tastes are different. I will not apologize that I have been to their concerts and not Madonna!.
7. I have sex on the first date. Hookups are much easier than a long term commitment.
8. I run from commitment. On Date #2 with my dream guy, he told me he “really liked me.” When I went home that night I considered never talking to him again and unfriended him on Facebook..
9. I can’t drink beer because I’m trying to watch my weight. Bottled water at a gay bar isn’t sexy.
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10. On a first date exes were brought up, and everything went downhill from there.
11. I can fart when I want to and not hold it in ..living the dream!
12. You offered me a massage and I declined even though I knew that was a precursor for sex and I really wanted to have sex with you.
13. I prefer kale and juicing over going out to dinner .
14. I like to wear skinny jeans. I think they look great on me but you think I am too old to wear that style.
15. Every time we had sex it was in my car because I live with my mother so you probably just assumed I was homeless.
16. You told me I was different, that I was classy, and then I couldn’t bring myself to tell you I wanted to suck dick because you might think less of me.
17. My standards are too high. I have a laundry list of requirements. I don’t have a 6 pack and I am overweight and I am 50 but I am looking for a muscular stud between 21-36 years old. No fats and no fems.
18. I have a “critical inner voices” that tells me that I am too fat, too ugly, too old or too different. When I listen to these “voices,” I push people away. I have trouble leaving the house because I am really down on myself. I struggle making eye contact and I just am reluctant to scan the room to see who is out there or who I maybe attracted to for lack of self-esteem.
19. I feel my time has passed, and I am too old for this. My fear of competing with other gay men lead me to avoid putting myself out there. I don’t want to look like a fool especially if he rejects me. Truth be told, it is well worth it to face my fears. I will end up with a stronger sense of self, and may increase my chances of creating a relationship with the partner I really desire.
20. After a long day’s work, I just want to take my clothes off and crawl into bed than going out into the uncertain and anxiety-provoking world of meeting men. Again, it is my critical voice that offers self-soothing words, “Just stay in tonight and relax. You’re fine on your own. Have a glass of wine. Watch that show you like.” The problem with this voice is that it later turns on me with thoughts like, “What a loser you are, home alone again. You’ll be lonely the rest of your life. You’re not getting any younger! No one will be attracted to you.” Many of the activities we use to “comfort” ourselves actually make us feel bad in the end, as they result in us avoiding pursuing what we really want in life. I realize that it is important to resist falling into a comfort zone and to repeatedly challenge the influence of my critical inner voice. I am just starting to realize that trying new activities and getting out of my comfort zone increases my chances.
21. I am looking in all the wrong places to meet gay men. I just go online and / or use my dating apps. So far, the guys are just looking for quick no-strings-attached sex. I have not met anyone that wants a relationship until now when I read the GLA40 Guide to Meeting Men. .
Check out our GLA40 Guide to Meeting men and gaining a new social life after 40 for alternative ways to meet men beyond the bar and internet .
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