10 ways of Loving Life after 40


10 Ways of Loving Life After 40 by Max Roberts

celebrating life

” To Live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all”  

                                           Oscar Wilde 

40 is a landmark for many and it is truly your second curtain call. Now it is the perfect time to revisit your original vision and make some adjustments so it more accurately reflects who you are now and the man you’d still like to become. Keep on moving and aging forward.


Here are some suggestions on living and loving life after 40 :


1) If you have a boyfriend or husband, be the best example of what that represents.


2) See the world as you wish it was paraphrasing Gandhi


3) If you’re dating , stay away from those who undermine your self-worth.


4) If your single, don’t apologize for it. Your independent and it is the best position for you at  this time.


5) If you are unhappy with your life-change it. If you do not do it now , when?


6) Believe that you are worthy of a solid and healthy relationship.


7) Be proud of Your Story–the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Everyone has a story, and a powerful one I may say. Find a way on how to tell it because it will change people’s lives. 


8) Unplug from social media for a little while. Take time to disconnect and reconnect with the universe. For a good 25 years, you did not have such devices and you survived!


9) See your glass half full , rather than half empty.  Appreciate what you have. We sometimes focus on what we don’t have. There are others that have more severe and serious situations. I am not saying that you may not have problems, we all do but there are more positives than negatives. you just have to find and embrace it!


10) Celebrate with family and friends more.  Call them if they don’t call you. Go to karaoke, make a fool out of yourself sometimes, create special moments. See your niece or nephews perform  in sporting events or in plays. Get yourself out there. Be engaged.


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